dilluns, 24 de novembre del 2014

25N. Dia internacional per a l’eliminació de la violència envers les Dones

Break The Chain

Tena Clark i Tim Heintz

“Break the Chain” (“Trenca la cadena”) pretén sensibilitzar a tot el món sobre la campanya de V-Day que ha experimentat la escalada mundial més ràpida fins a la data d’avui, ONE  BILLION RISING (MIL MILIONS DE PERSONES QUE  PROTESTEN. Aquesta campanya va començar com una crida a l’acció davant les increïbles estadístiques que una de cada tres dones del planeta seran maltractades o violades durant la seva vida. Amb una població mundial de 7 mil milions d’habitants, això representa gairebé més de MIL MILLIONS DE DONES I NENES. El 14 de febrer de 2013, va ser el 15è aniversari de V-Day, activistes, escriptors, pensadors, celebritats i dones i homes d’arreu del món s’uniran per expressar la seva indignació, faran vaga, ballaran i S’ALÇARAN contra les injustícies que pateixen les dones, demanant posar fi d’una vegada a la violència masclista.

Més información a One billion rising revolution

Break the Chain 
Lyrics by Tena Clark
Music by Tena Clark/Tim Heintz

I raise my arms to the sky
On my knees I pray
I’m not afraid anymore
I will walk through that door
Walk, dance, rise
Walk, dance, rise

I can see a world where we all live
Safe and free from all oppression
No more rape or incest, or abuse
Women are not a possession

You’ve never owned me, don’t even know me I’m not invisible, I’m simply wonderful I feel my heart for the first time racing I feel alive, I feel so amazing

I dance cause I love
Dance cause I dream
Dance cause I’ve had enough
Dance to stop the screams
Dance to break the rules
Dance to stop the pain
Dance to turn it upside down
Its time to break the chain, oh yeah
Break the Chain
Dance, rise
Dance, rise

In the middle of this madness, we will stand I know there is a better world Take your sisters & your brothers by the hand Reach out to every woman & girl

This is my body, my body’s holy
No more excuses, no more abuses
We are mothers, we are teachers,
We are beautiful, beautiful creatures

I dance cause I love
Dance cause I dream
Dance cause I’ve had enough
Dance to stop the screams
Dance to break the rules
Dance to stop the pain
Dance to turn it upside down
It’s time to break the chain, oh yeah
Break the Chain, oh yeah
Break the Chain

Dance Break Inst.

Dance, rise
Dance, rise

Sister won’t you help me, sister won’t you rise x4

Dance, rise
Dance, rise

Sister won’t you help me, sister won’t you rise x4

This is my body, my body’s holy
No more excuses, no more abuses
We are mothers, we are teachers,
We are beautiful, beautiful creatures

I dance cause I love
Dance cause I dream
Dance cause I’ve had enough
Dance to stop the screams
Dance to break the rules
Dance to stop the pain
Dance to turn it upside down
Its time to break the chain, oh yeah
Break the Chain, oh yeah
Break the Chain

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